Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Secret - Dirty Cost of Clean Energy

Green energy drive comes with an unadvertised environmental cost the consequences of which are so severe that environmentalists and many scientists have now rejected corn-based ethanol as bad environmental policy.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Numbers are in Ethanol Multi Billion Net Loss and Environmental Harm

The resources diverted to the agricultural-industrial complex to produce ethanol from corn to drive vehicles would have been better employed producing nutritious food for the world's hungry people.

Based on the above, the subsidy-laden, corn-to-ethanol program, beneficial to farmers and their suppliers, ethanol plant builders and owners, and politicians, appears to degenerate into a multi-billion net loss for the rest of society, and to inflict a net harm to the environment. It appears to be a make-work program for the agricultural-industrial complex.

Friday 20 September 2013

Nothing From Something

Problem – Greed
Wall St. is at it again creating nothing from something and selling it to idiots who are too greedy to see what is in their best interest. This time it’s a derivative based on Ethanol Credits (
RIN numbers). Check out the link  Consumers will pay their price at the pumps.

Solution – Better Ways
Microbes work to turn waste water into electricity.

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Think About It

"The wages of sin may be high but don't meet the cost of living." - The Hostile Prophet

"Doing the right thing doesn't automatically bring success. But compromising ethics almost always leads to failure." - Vivek Wadhwa

"The Major Problems Of The World Are The Difference Between How Nature Works And How People Think." - Gregory Bateson

“The reason we don’t find solutions to our problems is because the answers to our questions interfere with our concepts” - John Caswell

Concept of Shame/Honor – Owning Actions
Regardless of politics, the G20 in Toronto was an exercise in cowardice by both sides. It really concerns me –that some protesters wore masks and hoods, some police took off their badges so they couldn’t be identified. Is this because they don’t believe in what they are doing, that they are ashamed and won’t own their actions?

Life begins at the end of our comfort zone.

Sunday 16 June 2013

7 Blunders of the World

"Seven Blunders of the World"

1. Wealth without work
2. Pleasure without conscience
3. Knowledge without character
4. Commerce without morality
5. Science without humanity
6. Worship without sacrifice
7. Politics without principle

—Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday 23 May 2013

Colin Carrie MP, Ostrich or Turkey?

In reference to the article ‘Mayor Meets May’ in the April 3rd edition (Oshawa Express) you quote Colin Carrie MP – in a previous letter that the decision to build the plant (Ethanol) was solely that of the OPA (OshawaPort Authority) “The Federal Government had no part in selecting or recommending the port as a potential biofuels facility,” “I am really disappointed that groups who are aware of these facts are intentionally misrepresenting them for their own political gain.” I couldn’t believe it, is he that much of a turkey (a bird so full of sh*t  that it can’t fly) or maybe an ostrich with his head so far down where the sun don’t shine that he can’t see the light of day?
The Oshawa Port Authority is under the auspices/jurisdiction of Transport Canada i.e. the federal government, five of the seven board members are appointed by the federal transport minister. Three members of the federal government sit on the board and ‘Farm Tech’ (by collusion) thus four out of seven OPA board members have a direct vested interest in seeing an ethanol plant proceed.  For Mr. Carrie to say ‘The Federal Government had no part in selecting or recommending the port’ is just a crock.
I didn’t vote in the last election because I wasn’t happy with the selection of candidates, my mistake, it won’t happen again. Next election I will vote and it won’t be for Colin Carrie.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Economics, Ethics and Ethanol

Incompetence, Ignorance or Scam
One would have to be incompetent, ignorant or corrupt to not know that building an industry next to a nature preserve is fundamentally wrong. With that said I feel there is a scam being perpetrated on the people of Oshawa, Durham Region and all Taxpayers by the federal gov't and individuals with a vested interest to build an Ethanol plant in the backyard of an unwilling host (there is a willing host).
I've done some research, the farm equipment required to plant the corn doesn't run on ethanol, the trucks that truck the corn and fuel don't run on ethanol, growing corn depletes the land, tying the price of fuel to food will drive up the cost of corn and fructose corn syrup (packaged prepared foods). As far as I can tell the major reason it is legislated in the U.S. is to save the gov't money by not having to pay farmers subsidies for not growing corn.
Why is that municipal, provincial, state and federal governments spend a fortune re-mediating waterfronts from industrialization that our government Transport Canada (Port Authority) wants to industrialize next to a provincial park and recreational waterfront?
To Quote Transport Canada,
Recommendations for the Future of Oshawa Harbour,                                                                                 Report by The Honourable David Crombie, P.C., O.C. February 21, 2008
Gifford Farm Lands
“The so-called Gifford Farm Lands provide a valuable physical barrier separating and, in effect, containing the industrial activities of the Port of Oshawa to the west from the environmentally sensitive marshlands to the east, known as Second Marsh.
The City should be mindful of the importance of that buffer-zone role in preserving a balanced waterfront, when considering the possible benefit of future development of these lands.”
The city of Oshawa is mindful of the importance ‘of that buffer zone’ rather those that were responsible for the report, Transport Canada (Port Authority) that is mindless.
Still not sure if its incompetence, ignorance or scam? Check out the following:
The first link is to Olivia Chow's appeal to the Ethics Commissioner to probe the procedure - the commissioner didn't see any collusion even though Farm Tech sits on the Port Authority board. The second link is to a story that broke in the U.S. about scamming the system RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers) for ethanol credits which were falsified and never delivered. The third link is for the original story from CBC about a train load of ethanol being repeatedly shipped back and forth without ever being unloaded with the knowing participation of CNR.
Is it possible in the wake of the gas plant fiasco in Oakville that this is all a scam which will cost tax payers another fortune to not go ahead with the project? Is it preventable?
Is it incompetence, ignorance or scam? I fear the worst, all three.

Monday 25 March 2013

'Mad As Hell!'

Hello and welcome to the first posting of my first blog – ‘Hostile Profit’, hosted and moderated by yours truly the ‘Hostile Prophet’. I was considering call it ‘Friends of Howard Beale’ but I’ll reserve that as a heading for those likeminded that I follow. You guessed it 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!'
So what is it that makes me mad as hell and what am I going to do about it? I have no more tolerance for cowards, liars and thieves – especially bankers and politicians and those that would benefit at the expense of others and the environment– Greed Is Not Good! Don’t get me wrong I think capitalism is good, business is good, sales, margins and profits are great but it has to be a win/win situation where the consumer gets value in goods or services in exchange for money- no more of the house taking a cut on a rigged game. It is unconscionable to keep shuffling toxic assets between institutions and taking a commission on the valueless to the point of destroying the system, a lot of bubbles could burst.
My understanding is there are maybe a dozen or so of these institutions ( RBS, Lloyds, Barclays, UBS, HSBC, Morgan Stanley) that hold the vast majority of the toxic debt. Here is an idea – make them use the funds they scammed to buy back and eliminate the debt. Reduce them in size from big banks to small banks, send the crooks who scammed the most to prison. If the rest of the world has to adopt austere measures to survive so should the financial institutions at least then we could start to rebuild on a level playing field. Next time maybe we’ll get it right on a ‘peer to peer’ basis instead of a hierarchy based on greed.