Thursday, 13 November 2014

Greed vs Selfishness

I sometimes  have difficulty accepting a dictionary's definition when they use two words to define each other that have different internalized meanings to me. Such is the case with the words selfishness and greed. To me selfishness is doing what is in the best interests of the self, on the level of basic needs this is food, shelter and love. We are all entitled to the best food shelter and love we can create for ourselves. I don't think anyone has difficulty with the concept that we are all dealt certains cards in the the game of life but it is up to us how we play them. I think the problem we all have is playing with a stacked deck. Greed is stacking the deck, wanting more than enough and that others have less.
Not all rich people are greedy and not all greedy people are rich. Take the the example of Ted Turner who donated a billion + $ to bail out UN programs that make the world better for all of us and then there is the example of the Florida Man Asks Police to Shut Down Kid’s “Illegal” Lemonade Stand.  

Greed is as destructive to our society as any other form of fanaticism and should fight it with the weapons at our disposal our dollars and our votes.