Thursday 29 September 2016

FYI #2

From Hostility to Pronoia

The 'Hostile Profit' was started more than three years ago as a response to the stupidity that governments get entangled. In this particular case it was the conservative government wanting to build an ethanol plant in an enviromentally sensitive area of the waterfront that had been deemed  important as a 'buffer-zone role in preserving a balanced waterfront, when considering the possible benefit of future development of these lands', by a previous conservative govenrment. (See Economics, Ethics and Ethanol - April 2013).

I felt at the time with the awareness came the responsibility  to myself, my community and the environment to do whatever was necessary to stop the insanity. Fortunately we prevailed and the project died and will not be resurrected, the post will remain as a reference for those interested.

I have recently read Pronoia by Rob Brezsny and feel it is time to park the hostility and move on. There are those who are better writers and have more interest in having their voices heard concerning the environment so I'll leave it to them to do the talking. If at some point I feel I can contribute or offer a different insight I will do so. If anyone wants to contact me you can do so -

Gmail: barry3rdiatgmaildotcom
Twitter: BarryUatGazoble

Happy Trails, Keep Smiling

Thursday 25 August 2016

Are 3 Rs Enough?

We are all familiar with the 3 Rs - Reduce, Recycle and Re-use but the new question is that sufficient for our needs and wants. I propose at least 1 more R - Repair.

Share the Repair, 4thR 

I wanted to share this article by Martin Charter, which demonstrates advantages beyond reusing and recycling which divert from the waste stream and landfill.


There are over 1,000 community repair and recycling initiatives in the global Repair Cafe movement. 'Each is a community hub where local residents can bring in broken items and get them repaired for free, as well as network, learn skills, socialise and help others. Local expertise, tools, repair manuals and materials are all on hand. Melding education, social inclusivity, ‘sharing economy’ practices and sustainable action, the cafés have become nodes in the circular economy, teaching its principles from the bottom up.' Lots of benefits in addition to diversion from the waste stream.

Friday 27 March 2015

Monday 5 January 2015

Best Wishes for 2015

Creativity is the key to sustainability.

Previous posts have all dealt with the economic, environmental and ethical abuses so I felt I should start off the new year with some solutions, options and better ways of doing things.

Green light for world’s largest planned tidal energy project in Scotland

Though tidal power has been around for a long time, the search for renewable energy has led to increased interest in this energy resource. Energy can be harnessed from the tides in two ways: using the change in height of the tides (potential); and using the flow of the water (kinetic).
The project has the potential to power nearly 175,000 homes through a network of 269 turbines on the seabed at Ness of Quoys in Caithness, north-east Scotland.

Groundbreaking Biofuel Project Could Clean Up Mines Worldwide 

Scientists hope clean-up operation at tin mine will lead to global environmental benefits. If researchers succeed in using algae to harvest precious heavy metals in polluted water and simultaneously producing biofuel, toxic sites around the world could be made clean and ecologically well again.

Assuming the best way to fight the ignorance of economic, environmental and ethical abuses is with knowledge - Great News - Open Culture The best free cultural & educational media on the web. Master List of 1,100 Free Courses From Top Universities: 33,000 Hours of Audio/Video Lectures. 

Thursday 13 November 2014

Greed vs Selfishness

I sometimes  have difficulty accepting a dictionary's definition when they use two words to define each other that have different internalized meanings to me. Such is the case with the words selfishness and greed. To me selfishness is doing what is in the best interests of the self, on the level of basic needs this is food, shelter and love. We are all entitled to the best food shelter and love we can create for ourselves. I don't think anyone has difficulty with the concept that we are all dealt certains cards in the the game of life but it is up to us how we play them. I think the problem we all have is playing with a stacked deck. Greed is stacking the deck, wanting more than enough and that others have less.
Not all rich people are greedy and not all greedy people are rich. Take the the example of Ted Turner who donated a billion + $ to bail out UN programs that make the world better for all of us and then there is the example of the Florida Man Asks Police to Shut Down Kid’s “Illegal” Lemonade Stand.  

Greed is as destructive to our society as any other form of fanaticism and should fight it with the weapons at our disposal our dollars and our votes.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Greed - How much is enough?

For some like the Koch brothers there is never enough, and provide a perfect reason why the ‘Hostile Profit/Prophet exists; environmental, economic and ethical abuses all in one example. While the conscientious are trying to green the environment and save the planet the Koch bros demand a tax on the sun    and these idiots in Oklahoma go along with this insanity. Most utilities not only welcome solar supplements from private parties to their grid, they offer subsidies, grants etc. This is because they have reached the capacity they were designed for in normal use, to provide increased capacity for increasing peak demand utilities have to choose between building more infrastructure or acquire less expensive and environmentally friendly energy from other sources. While most utilities take option #2, the Kochs have convinced Oklahomans that these alternate sources should be charged for using the grid to distribute their power, they want to tax the sun so the dirty petroleum they peddle will seem more attractive. My guess is that the Kochs appealed to the Okies fear that somehow going green would threaten their traditionally petroleum based economy. Texans while no greener than Okies by disposition welcome the opportunity to make money in addition to petroleum business not instead of, solar and wind farms everywhere.

Thursday 24 July 2014

The House Edge

When the FEDs came looking to prosecute those who knowingly profited from toxic transactions many escaped on the basis that they were doing their jobs, making money for their shareholders and boards of directors and did not have direct involvement with toxic transactions. Some have gone to jail, some have had to repay what they stole but all in all this hasn’t changed the attitude of greed and com-modify anything to make a buck, conscionable or not.
Check out this link to ‘Wall St. Exploits Ethanol Credits, Prices Spike’.
If this makes you cringe and want to run in the other direction, there are lots of opportunities to invest in peer to peer and crowd sourcing ventures with good returns, conscionable and maybe even fun.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

FYI #1

To those who have stopped by to check out ‘Hostile Profit’ thank you. The only direct links to here that I know of are from ‘Friends of the Second Marsh’ and ‘Barry U @Gazorble’ on Twitter. This post is intended to let readers know what has happened, what is happening now and what I hope to have happen in the future.
This blog and Twitter were this introvert's first attempts at social networking and sharing by putting out there and see what comes back. The first post ‘Mad as Hell’ says it all in a general way – fed up with economic, environmental and ethical abuses. The second post ‘Economics, Ethics and Ethanol’ was written as a direct response to the overwhelmingly bad idea of putting an ethanol plant next to a nature preserve. I think this idea died of embarrassment but nothing official so I’ll leave the ethanol posts where they are for future reference.
I am presently building a new web site for my pictures and all things related to visual and digital. I will have this blog hosted within that site with a greater focus on economics, ethics and how we can use our dollars and votes to combat greed and establish a new social contract that works for now. I hope you will return when more interactive and share your feedback. Thanks again for visiting.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Secret - Dirty Cost of Clean Energy

Green energy drive comes with an unadvertised environmental cost the consequences of which are so severe that environmentalists and many scientists have now rejected corn-based ethanol as bad environmental policy.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Numbers are in Ethanol Multi Billion Net Loss and Environmental Harm

The resources diverted to the agricultural-industrial complex to produce ethanol from corn to drive vehicles would have been better employed producing nutritious food for the world's hungry people.

Based on the above, the subsidy-laden, corn-to-ethanol program, beneficial to farmers and their suppliers, ethanol plant builders and owners, and politicians, appears to degenerate into a multi-billion net loss for the rest of society, and to inflict a net harm to the environment. It appears to be a make-work program for the agricultural-industrial complex.